By: Anand Harsh
7. Big Gigantic x GRIZ - Power
When another sax-slinging bass music producer showed up on the scene, a lot of comparison was drawn to Dom Lalli and his Big Gigantic duo. The truth is, they've got totally different sounds, and nobody's bitin' nobody. And clearly, they can slam when they work together. Everybody needs more sax in their lives.
6. Where Is The Love?
This is the definition of electro-soul right here. Some classic hip-hop hooks, soulful samples, and plenty of swaggering beats. This one's got it all, and definitely resonated with fans of the style. If you didn't already know, this is how you knew.
5. Grizmatik - My People
I remember hearing that Gramatik and GRiZ were starting to work together, and that anticipation as to what it would sound like. By the time they hit SnowBall Festival in Winter Park, CO in March of 2013, the then trio with Eric Mendelsson was firing on all cylinders, and the unit had developed some serious chemistry that absolutely lit crowds on fire.