By: Harry Coomer
Has it already been 10 years? This year, Symbiosis Gathering celebrates its 10th Re:Union, and it's doing so with a massive lineup that capitalizes on the cache of cool it has built up over the past decade. While many of our fans are making their way back from the Playa, and complaining about all the Sparkle Ponies and celebrities diluting the Burning Man experience, the organizers of SYMB10SIS get to work with the knowledge that their prized event remains pretty much intact as far as vibe goes.
That being said, there's nothing stale about Symbiosis. It's been around so long that out-of-fashion trends have come back in style, and smaller artists who once hung around the bottom of the lineup now tower over the rest of the roster. And what a roster it is--there are so many names on this bill, that you need a guide to point you towards the un-missable sets. *Cough, cough*
Peruse the new map and get in tune with that schedule--it'll be your best friend. As you travel from stage to stage, make sure you listen to all the new acts (or new to you) that you can, because Symbiosis is all about exploration.
10. Perfect Stranger