Photo by: Antoine Delaporte
Editor's Note:
Caravan Palace has come a long way since it was brought together to score a long-lost silent porn flick nearly a decade a ago. The French electro-swing big band has culled influences as diverse as Cab Calloway and Daft Punk into a sonic stew packed with contemporary electronic techniques, but with a rich musical history that gives a nod to greats like France's own gypsy jazz legend Django Reinhardt.
The band has blended these diverse influences to create yet another masterpiece, with this year's Le Plan Recordings release, <|°_°|>, which is a towering, 11-track triumph (just out in the middle of last month) that pushes the outfit's sound more towards the electro side of electro-jazz. The French combo is angling towards a big US tour in 2016.
Caravan Palace was kind enough to curate for us a list of its favorite electronic tracks, which helped inform the sound of the latest album. We're so excited to hear new artists pushing the boundaries of electronic music, while also paying homage to the incredible sounds of the last century.
10. M.I.A. - Bad Girls (Surkin Remix)
Seems like the original is overcompressed or not well mixed for the dancefloor. Surkin brought a lot of sub and dynamics. It sounds so good on big speaker and still keep this badass vibe from the original.
9. Ratatat - Mirando (Animal Collective Remix)
We've choosen the remix one, cause it's a little less famous, and the atmosphere is so deep and aerial. Very interesting construction too.
8. SBTRKT - Ready Set Loop