The happiest man on earth, GKEN-E, gives us Warmth of Winter
Published: January 24, 2014
By: Shelly Hubal
Eager percussionist. Lyrical poet. Lover of life and of all things pure, good, and true. Many words and phrases can be used to describe GKEN-E, and the preceding list represents but a small portion of them. Most certainly we can call him generous, forthright, and charming. Infectious and inspirational. A prolific producer. Still, that doesn’t nearly do him justice. This smiling SoCal youngster we think so highly of has just gifted us his new album, Warmth of Winter, with impeccable timing to eradicate January blues.
Soft tones of singing synth blend with bells and random plunks. A wallop of whomps and a wobble bass buzz amongst whistling pan flutes, xylophones, and drums. Throw in some motivational speaking and you’ve got yourself one sweet little package. Warmth of Winter has a slightly heavier feel to it than the artist’s previous release, Infinite Gratitude, which GKEN-E so graciously bestowed upon us back in August. This really comes as no surprise, given we are in the dawn of a new year and festival season has long drawn to a close.
One of the things I love about this guy… through his music, he tells me everything is gonna be okay. It’s like he made these grooves specifically for me--I know he didn’t, but at the same time he did. And he’s dying to make some for you, too. GKEN-E seems to be a genuine healer, using music and the stage as his forum. By golly… he really is accomplishing what he set out here to do. Warmth of Winter marks the second full-length release from Kenny Galbraith since winning The Untz Challenge IV back in April, upon which he selflessly relinquished seven of ten awarded festival slots to fellow contest contenders Beat Machine. Beat that. I’m sure karma has been waiting in the wings for this fearlessly altruistic lad, and we’re all just watching to see what happens next.