There's no real getting around it: Jon Gooch's genius is inescapable. With each track he drops, Feed Me continues to dazzle audiences with his ability to produce the exact track you want to hear from him. "Death By Robot," thanks in great part to the vocoder vocal track, is getting the expected Daft Punk comparisons, as did "Gravel" when it came out three weeks ago. The cool thing about Feed Me is, there's no pressure for Gooch to make a pop record. He's making a dance album for crazy fans who stumbled upon his work and never let go. He can get dirty, or he can simplify. The tunes will always work because they're so bananas, but you can tell there's a real musical freedom there. "Death By Robot," "Gravel," and "Dialup Days" will hit Mau5trap on January 16th.