Directed by Mike Wechsler ( and John Camalick (
"This video began with a vision we had that involved a Shaman deep in the forest, who through a mind altering experience sees a vision of the future in all its beauty and terror. The song and video have a powerful undertone of overcoming darkness by unleashing the light within. We were lucky enough to get to work with amazing animators John Camalick and Mike Wechsler to make this vision come to life. Lightspeed Transit is a high speed journey deep into the mind and soul." - Break Science
From the album, Monolith Code
Free Download of Monolith Code via Pretty Lights Music:
Break Science, on Pretty Lights Music, is embarking on PLM Spring Tour this March and April, together with Gramatik, and it's going to be one for the books. With a tour that spans the vast Untied States, Gramatik and Break Science will be hitting Tampa, Charleston, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Pittsburgh, Minneapolis, Chicago, and Nashville, will many others in between.
Tags: Drum and BassLivetronica