Live electronic trailblazers The New Deal have formally announced they will disband at the end of 2011. In a letter to fans posted on the band’s website, the group said,
It has been an amazing run for the band and we appreciate the loyal and dedicated tND fanbase across North America and Asia. Our individual lives have taken very different paths with family, living abroad, and other various projects. We have come to a point where the time and commitment that it takes to maintain our band at its best is no longer possible. As a group, we’ve never been known to go halfway, so we have decided to end things with a great run of summer and fall shows that we hope to be the best yet.
The New Deal will finish the year strong, and will be playing a number of East Coast and Mid-Atlantic dates in addition to its already scheduled festival dates. The Untz will continue to follow this story, and will post updates as soon as new information is available.