By: Anand Harsh
Anybody who has ever been to Stilldream, Emissions, or any of the other half dozen festivals that have taken place in Belden, California knows that there's nothing weirder than it's colorful residents.
Except maybe this song.
Dutch street bass provocateur Subp Yao joined forces with Richmond, Virginia's Ethan Glass on rousing trip through the tall trees on “Belden Townies.” While Gert-Jan has been busy with his new YAYAYA project, he still found time to trade some stems with this American artist on the rise.
Rip-roaring and raucous, this cut throws some deft wubs at a throat-slashing beat. This is some Grade A subsonic material. Wretched and twisted, the mid-frequency washes and warbles are really killer. This is dynamite track.
Get “Belden Townies” for the price of a follow. It's worth it.
Tags: Trap