Sonic the Hedgehog - Green Hill Zone (Rogue Remix)
Published: March 7, 2013
By: Anand Harsh
From the emerging class of producers 21 and under who have dominated Beatport charts over the last few years -- and regardless of whether their country of origin is American, European, Asian, or Australian -- one unifying theme emerges: video games. This is the first generation who was taught it's NOT nerdy to dive into Mario, Madden, Final Fantasy VII, or Everquest. Scratch that, it's unbelievably nerdy to play Everquest, but that's neither here nor there. In fact, for many, an early addiction to consoles and computers cultivated a muscle memory and connection between senses and the screen which is so crucial in today's world of audio production.
The UK's Joel Hunt is one such product. Gaining prominence through his work with Monstercat, Rogue's latest offering pays homage to his roots. Who didn't grow up rolling that adorable blue rodent off precarious cliffs in the search for coins? This electro anthem to childhood is dripping with nostalgia, but it's the meticulous attention to detail which must be applauded. Kudos, Rogue, you're out nerd in shining armor!