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Favorite ThisNifty Earth debuts indie-electronica gem 'Seen This Before' ft Wrenn

Published: January 18, 2016

By: Anand Harsh

The explosion of electronica influences in the indie-pop scene has blurred the lines even further between the strictly underground rock acts and the fringes of the weirdo DJ scenes. The blending of sounds and aesthetics from the mainstream pop and EDM realms has trickled into the basements and hip enclaves of songwriters raised on shoegaze and backpacker hip-hop.

Springing out of indie hotbed of Athens, GA, the odd assortment of musicians led by producer Joseph Thrash known as Nifty Earth has caught our attention with its sugary sensibilities and production know-how. The forthcoming album, From Here, will feature five vocalists spread over six tracks, the rest containing haunting, ethereal, tripped out, and tribal concoctions.

Today's premiere, "Seen This Before," splits the difference between Odesza and Grimes, fusing delicate, reverbed melodies with powerful but patient vocals (courtesy of indie-pop rising star Wrenn, who also crafted the artwork). The catchy hooks and pointed grooves get stuck inside your head and run around all afternoon. It's a pop tune with an attitude.

With violinist Megan Li, sax man Jose Moran, and drummer Joey Tuholski, the live arrangement comes to life February 18th at the Foundry in Athens alongside The Mad Violinist. Look for the record on the horizon as Nifty Earth works its way into the limelight.

Tags: DowntempoElectronicaHip Hop