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Favorite ThisNas-ja explores deep bass beats with The Owl Chronicles [Out NOW!]

Published: November 3, 2015

By: Sterling Martin

If more downtempo, exotic beats are your thing—prepare yourself for the fascinating world of Nas-ja.

For his latest EP, The Owl Chronicles, Nas-ja delves into a range of synths and abstract percussion use, all while adhering to the signature sound the producer has begun to distinguish for himself.

Afterthoughts,” the EP opener, offers a hypnotizing blend of electronic and “the Squelchy,” as described by Addam Pratt. We premiered “Catawhompus Rhompus,” here on The Untz just a few weeks ago, which helps lead The Owl Chronicles down a path of emotion and exploration.

A somewhat sparse approach, and skillfully crafted repetition allow Nas-ja to design something new and fresh. One attractive element of his music, as exemplified in “Undermining Means,” is how he slowly creates a groove, then takes what he’s just made familiar and flips it, presenting a new vision of the same groove—he grabs your attention, then de-familiarizes what was grasped just moments ago.

Finishing up The Owl Chronicles, is the eerie, “Love or Fear.” The track evolves around a couple of ideas that interweave and make the song feel complete; in turn completing the conceptual five track release.

Tags: BreaksDowntempoGlitchHip Hop