Story by: Jonathan Gross
Photo by: Sam Silkworth (Silky Shots)
We've had the pleasure of watching kLL sMTH grow from quirky Colorado opener to full-blown headliner before our very eyes. What has contributed so substantially to the meteoric rise of Kristoffer Edland?
Was it being hailed as a brash newcomer by Claude VonStroke and having his glitchy productions invited into the house and techno enclave of Dirtybird? Is it his numerous adventurous side projects like kLL Bill and Ultrasloth?
We like to think it's just being super “chLL.” The downtempo, delicately groovy alter ego of Edland, chLL sMTH, will be on display in the purest of venues: a sunrise set at The Untz Festival 2020. Lucky for us, and those who don't quite know what to expect, Edland this week released his debut chLL sMTH mixtape, which is the best tease we can think of for a not-too-distant, sun-soaked morning.
kLL sMTH and chLL? is an hour long buffet of tricky little compositions that Edland has produced over the course of his career that don't quite have a place in his bangin', primetime sets. What's more is that he's also included his own chilled out idols like edIT, Telefon Tel Aviv, and Tipper.
Fans will get to see the two sides of kLL sMTH at The Untz Festival, taking place May 29-31 at Sycamore Ranch in Browns Valley, California. Both the aformentioned kLL Bill project with Mr. Bill, which will be jam-packed with insanely heavy bass and glitch tunes, as well as the softer side of chLL sMTH, perfect for rising to meet the morning, or more likely, sending fans off to bed after a long night of rowdiness.