Coming off of the release of his monster FREE album, Galaxies Between Us, on his own label Sexy Electric, the keytar master Corey Baker a.k.a. Kill Paris will be joining The Untz Podcast host Anand Harsh for a fun conversation on May 5th at 5pm PST.
Baker has been blazing his own trail in the future funk, glitch-hop, and chill scenes through a steady stream of high-caliber originals, trendy remixes, and big tours with superstars in the scene like Bassnectar. Kill Paris is out on the road now, continuning to support his new album with high-energy shows that stray from the norm.
Tune in live on May 5 at 5pm PST to hear the conversation with Corey Baker, and to get your questions answered. Submit your questions in the comment section below, or Tweet us @theuntz with the hashtag #AskKillParis. We'll make sure he answers the best questions.
And no, you can't touch his keytar.