Published: April 24, 2014
By: Anand Harsh
Everyone expected golden boy James Blake to slip into a sophomore slump with 2013's Overgrown, but rising to, nay, surpassing expectations is what the young Brit is all about. Fittingly, only the best of the best take hacks at Blake's impeccable, falsetto vocals, gentle chords, and heartbreaking melodies.
As the pendulum swings away from teeth-gnashing, rip-roaring bass music, to a subtler, more meticulous world of chill hip-hop and sexy beats, the man known as HugLife makes his statements on the dance floor. A remix killer, the multifarious styles in his arsenal hone in on this delicate cut, and turn the mournful dirge "Retrograde" into a bob-your-head-and-shake-your-ass-to-this, too-cool-for-school, grab your boo and let's rock kinda tune.
Huglife hits LURE in Hollywood this weekend, with a rowdy cast of characters than includes Kraddy, Buku, Jason Burns, and a bevy of dancers, performers, acrobats, and finely plumed freaks from all over SoCal. Fans who hit the Bottle Service debut last month know this party gets a bit rowdy, so make sure you get their early and stay hydrated. Grateful Generation doesn't mess around. Download this remix for free and bump it on the way to LURE this Saturday.
BreaksGlitchHip HopDrum and BassDubstep