Daft Punk - Doin' It Right (Unlike Pluto Remix) [EXCLUSIVE PREMIERE]
Published: May 22, 2013
By: Anand Harsh
Armond Arabshahi knows what he's doing. Take the hottest record of the year (and the most anticipated release in recent history), and add a dash of booty grooving, utterly addicting, and totally hummable additions to make it your own and BAM! You've got a hit on your hands. He's "Doin' It Right." The Unlike Pluto remix of Daft Punk's mega hit featuring Animal Collective's Panda Bear has such a easy groove it's easy to fall into a sublime trance with a smile draped across your face. This kind of indie dance is growing on so many different levels, and it's great to see a new side of Pluto. Download this one for FREE.