Published: August 5, 2013
By: Anand Harsh
Today's premiere from Untz fave Aaron Holsapple, better known as Cualli, is as much a tribute to the love of producing music as it is to wildly influential horror author H.P. Lovecraft. The title track from his forthcoming album, "Love Craft" mixes cinematic soundscapes with imaginative guitar licks. Performing live with a guitar, over 2011-2012, Holsapple's many performances influenced the solos that appear on the record slated for a release through next week (Aug 12th). This particular track, which we're giving away for FREE, blends the eerie sonic architecture with fluttering melodies that play counterpoint to the dubious dub sounds. The rest of the album takes that duality to the next level across a multitude of genres and styles. Can't wait for this one!