By: Anand Harsh
The team at Muti Music is getting excited about Android Dreaming. Madison, Wisconsin's Jacob Frieling made his Muti debut earlier this year, and now returns with a brand new four-track EP that is garnering comparisons to the heavy-hitters of Emancipator's Loci squad.
Blossom In The Mind's Eye is out October 9, and weaves chill productions and guitar with the heavier sounds Muti fans expect. Before Frieling got into the bass game, he was producing house and techno, so the melodic impetus is there behind the subsonic flourishes.
Today, we premiere “Koi” for our fans. The west coast glitchy sound is there for the midwest-bred producer, but the chilled soundscapes reflect the significantly more reserved, melodic music of our times, as artists move away from bangers due to a dearth of live sound system shows.