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Favorite ThisAllen Mock & Herbalistek step Into the Ether with REM

Published: October 6, 2022

By: Anand Harsh

Allen Mock & Herbalistek - Into the EtherThree artists from Japan have found themselves on our friendly neighborhood label far across the Pacific Ocean. On October 11th, our friends at Wormhole Music Group release Into the Ether, a four-track colalborative EP from Allen Mock and the duo Herbalistek.

Experimental doesn't even begin to describe the four offerings from these three talented producers. Today's premiere is “REM,” a drippy tune with plenty of heft and groove. But what sets this tune apart from so many others is a dogged pursuit of progressive production techniques. The sound design on this one is going to raise the eyebrows of many of our fans. It's the kind of thing that gets us excited, so we know those aligned with our tastes are going to love this entire EP.

Tags: DubstepGlitch