Deep Blue, BASE Italy Underground, and Christian bring you MARK FARINA to Mighty.
With DJs Mark Farina (Om/Great Lakes), Chris Smith (DJFluid/Om Records), Rooz (Deep Blue), Bo (DeepBlue), Michael Anthony (supperclub), Ken Minn, ThuyVu, Mark Slee, Dimitri Playdoughboy, Sep D
The Deep Blue events with Mark Farina at Mighty have been legendary, a show that you know is going to be off the hook, 100%! Thats what happens when you get the #1 all time SF DJ on the insane sound system of Mighty and let him loose in that underground atmosphere where he can play whatever he wants and get creative to the MAX. Not to mention the underground crowd that is totally into the music feeding energy into Mark. Last time Mark Farina played Deep Blue @ Mighty it was very close to selling out. An incredible party that went all the way till 4am!!! Not to mention we have 3 of the top promoters in SF pushing the show with massive support from Om Records.