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Favorite ThisThe 10 acts to make an effort to see at Resonance 2017. [Page 2]

Published: September 11, 2017

By: Kyle Rutherford

7. Alejo

Another friend of The Untz, Alex “Alejo” Hinger is back to bring Resonance his extraordinary psychedelic soundscapes. Since his appearance last year, he has been making waves and deservingly bringing his music to massive amounts of listeners. Some highlights include Infrasound, The Pirate Party, Tipper’s 4, 3, 2,1 Events, and even The Untz Festival! It won’t be hard to sleep on his Thursday evening set at the Woodlands Stage, but you still definitely don’t want to miss out on it. 


Making yet another Resonance appearance this year is Maryland’s LITZ. This sextet takes the best elements of electronic, rock, jam and funk and creates a dance party that is hard to beat. 2017 has seen much success for the group, with performances at Disc Jam, The Mad Tea Party Jam, and Domefest. They’ll be kicking things off early at the Woodlands Tent on Friday, so make sure to get out of your tent and groove to the tunes of these awesome dudes.

5. Vibe Street

Between each of his Resonance appearances, Vibe Street just seems to grow even more in popularity. Without a doubt one of the most innovative producers in the game right now, Ben Davis definitely deserves all of the recognition that he gets. Mashing up electronic music with bluegrass, folk, hip hop, funk and soul, his 5am sets both Friday and Saturday in the Big Tent for sure need to be experienced, especially since they have become staples at festivals thrown by Essential Productions.

Tags: DubstepGlitch